亚马逊aws 防止 关联_通过免费的16小时课程通过AWS开发人员关联考试
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亚马逊aws 防止 关联

As promised, here is the 3rd free ExamPro AWS Certification course. This course prepares you to earn the coveted AWS Developer Associate Certification.

如所承诺的,这是第3个免费的ExamPro AWS认证课程。 本课程为您准备赢得梦vet以求的AWS开发人员助理认证。

And yes – you read all that correctly. This is a full 16-hour video course – available for free on freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel, and with no advertisements.

是的-您正确阅读了所有内容。 这是一个长达16小时的完整视频课程,可在freeCodeCamp的YouTube频道上免费获得,并且没有广告。

We now have free courses for 3 out of the 12 AWS Certifications:

现在,我们为12个 AWS认证中的3个提供免费课程:

  1. 🚀


  2. 🚀


  3. 🚀 AWS Developer Associate (the full course link is at the bottom of this article – but I hope you'll read this article first 😉)

  4. AWS SysOps Administrator Associate (coming soon)

    AWS SysOps管理员助理(即将推出)
  5. AWS Solutions Architect Professional (coming soon)

  6. AWS DevOps Engineer Professional (coming soon)

    AWS DevOps Engineer Professional(即将推出)
  7. AWS Machine Learning Speciality (coming soon)

    AWS Machine Learning专业知识(即将推出)
  8. AWS Security Speciality (coming soon)

    AWS Security Speciality(即将推出)
  9. AWS Advanced Networking Speciality (coming soon)

    AWS Advanced Networking专业版(即将推出)
  10. AWS Alexa Skill Builder Specialty (coming soon)

    AWS Alexa Skill Builder专业知识(即将推出)
  11. AWS Data Analytics Specialty (coming soon)

    AWS Data Analytics Specialty(即将推出)
  12. AWS Databases Specialty (coming soon)


什么是AWS开发人员助理认证? (What Is The AWS Developer Associate Certification?)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has 3 Associate Certifications:

Amazon Web Services(AWS)具有3个关联证书:

  1. Solutions Architect (most popular)

  2. SysOps Administrator (most technical)

  3. Developer (most practical)


The AWS Developer Associate is widely considered the most difficult associate certification. This is because the exam questions are based on practical knowledge of implementing, deploying, and securing web applications.

AWS开发人员助理被广泛认为是最困难的助理认证。 这是因为考试问题基于实现,部署和保护Web应用程序的实践知识。

Along the way, you’ll gain practical developer knowledge for the 3 most common cloud architectures:


  • Traditional (Virtual Machines)

  • Containers / Microservices (Docker)

  • Serverless (AWS Lambda)

    无服务器(AWS Lambda)

I always say: if you don’t know which AWS Certification to take, you should go for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate. It's so broad in scope that it offers the largest amount of cloud roles available to you.

我总是说:如果您不知道要获得哪种AWS认证,则应该去AWS Solutions Architect Associate。 它的范围如此广泛,以至于它为您提供了最大数量的云角色。

But if you want the highest chance of getting a job, the AWS Developer Associate is the objectively best certification. It proves you have hands-on knowledge, which helps reassure employers you're ready to work on the cloud.

但是,如果您希望获得最大的工作机会,则AWS开发人员助理是客观上最好的认证。 它证明您具有动手知识,这有助于使雇主放心您已准备好在云上工作。

AWS开发人员与谁相关? (Who Is The AWS Developer Associate For?)

The AWS Developer Associate is for you if:


  • you want to prove that you have practical knowledge of AWS.

  • you’re already a Web Developer and want to show you have Cloud Computing knowledge.

  • you enjoy writing code and building applications.

  • you want to master how to deploy web applications to production.

  • you want the highest chance of getting a job as a junior developer.


什么是云工程师? (What is a Cloud Engineer?)

A Cloud Engineer is a Full Stack Web Developer who knows how to use the cloud. Cloud Engineers are Web Developers, but not all Web Developers are Cloud Engineers.

云工程师是全栈Web开发人员,他知道如何使用云。 云工程师是Web开发人员,但并非所有Web开发人员都是云工程师。

Let's contrast these two roles to see how responsibilities change when using the Cloud:


Web开发人员 (Web Developer)

  • Setting up a production environment requires deep knowledge of Linux and configuring OS packages. (Some developers avoid needing deployment knowledge altogether by using Platforms as a Service like Heroku.)

    设置生产环境需要对Linux和配置OS软件包有深入的了解。 (一些开发人员通过使用诸如Heroku之类的平台即服务来避免完全需要部署知识。)
  • It's not easy for Web Developers to leverage Machine Learning, Cloud Storage, Analytics, or Virtual Reality, because their tools are often directly integrated into the application on a single server.

  • As the complexity of a single web application grows, it becomes harder to add more Web Developers because the app becomes more difficult to learn, configure, and maintain.


云工程师 (Cloud Engineer)

  • A Cloud Engineer has many deployment options available based on the architecture they use. Many cloud services manage the complexity for you. Then – once you've learned the cloud tools – you can directly manage deployment yourself.

    云工程师根据他们使用的体系结构有许多可用的部署选项。 许多云服务为您管理复杂性。 然后,一旦您了解了云工具,就可以直接自己管理部署。
  • Cloud Engineers have multiple architectures to choose from such as Microservices, Serverless, or traditional.

  • Cloud Engineers are better equipped to make their applications highly available, durable, and scalable.

  • Cloud Engineers can leverage cloud services to bolt-on Machine Learning, Cloud Storage, Analytics, VR, Realtime, and more.

  • It is easier to grow a team of Cloud Engineers, since using Cloud services encourage isolation of applications and keep apps small and easy to maintain.


您应该特别注意哪些AWS服务 (Which AWS Services You Should Give Special Attention To)

Most AWS Certifications emphasize specific AWS services. It's important for you to give these AWS services special attention in your studies. I wanted to highlight the top 8 AWS services for the AWS Developer Associate and explain why they are important.

大多数AWS认证都强调特定的AWS服务。 对您而言,在学习中特别注意这些AWS服务非常重要。 我想重点介绍适用于AWS开发人员的前8种AWS服务,并解释它们为何如此重要。

1. DynamoDB (1. DynamoDB)

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database that allows you to scale to any size. All you need to do is tell it how many reads and writes per second, and you have a guarantee of performance. DynamoDB is serverless, meaning it just scales, and you can choose to pay on demand.

DynamoDB是NoSQL数据库,可让您扩展到任意大小。 您需要做的就是告诉它每秒可以读写多少次,并且您可以保证性能。 DynamoDB是无服务器的,这意味着它可以扩展,您可以选择按需付款。

The most immediate use-case I find in my day-to-day is when I need to create a small application backed by a database.


If you have to use a relational database such as MySQL or Postgres, you could use RDS. However, the starting cost would be $15 per month for a t2.db.micro. You could set up your own Postgres server on a t2.nano which would be around ~5 per month, but you’d have to configure, backup, and manage that server.

如果必须使用关系数据库(例如MySQL或Postgres),则可以使用RDS。 但是,t2.db.micro的起始费用为每月15美元。 您可以在t2.nano上设置您自己的Postgres服务器,大约每月5个,但是您必须配置,备份和管理该服务器。

Maybe you think you could use Aurora Serverless, but in my experience, it was not as cost-effective as DynamoDB, where it was the difference between paying dollars vs paying pennies.

也许您认为您可以使用Aurora Serverless,但是根据我的经验,它不如DynamoDB更具成本效益,DynamoDB就是支付美元与支付便士之间的区别。

As a Cloud Engineer, you want to create isolated applications instead of big apps that do everything on a single server. The latter is what is known as building a monolith.

作为一名云工程师,您想创建隔离的应用程序,而不是在单个服务器上完成所有工作的大型应用程序。 后者就是所谓的构建整体。

The future of application architecture is moving to micro-services. To fully decouple your services, they need to have ownership of their own database. With DynamoDB you can do that.

应用程序架构的未来正在转向微服务。 为了完全分离您的服务,他们需要拥有自己的数据库的所有权。 使用DynamoDB,您可以做到这一点。

So in the free AWS Developer Associate course, we have put considerable effort to ensure you understand DynamoDB inside and out. The Cheatsheet is 7 pages long! .

因此,在免费的AWS Developer Associate课程中,我们付出了巨大的努力以确保您内外了解DynamoDB。 备忘单长达7页! 。

2.弹性豆茎 (2. Elastic Beanstalk)

Elastic Beanstalk (EB) is the fastest way to deploy traditional architecture to AWS. Traditional architecture is when you use Virtual Machines configured for a web framework. If you are using traditional web-frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Laravel, ExpressJS, Django, or Spring, then you are using traditional architecture.

Elastic Beanstalk(EB)是将传统架构部署到AWS的最快方法。 传统体系结构是您使用为Web框架配置的虚拟机时。 如果您使用的是诸如Ruby on Rails,Laravel,ExpressJS,Django或Spring之类的传统Web框架,则您正在使用传统的架构。

When you use micro-services or serverless architecture your code is broken up into smaller chunks.  Much of the responsibilities of your traditional web-framework are pushed to application integration AWS services.

当您使用微服务或无服务器架构时,您的代码将分解为较小的块。 传统Web框架的大部分职责都推给了应用程序集成AWS服务。

However, the majority of tech companies use traditional architecture because it's what they know, and it is taking time for companies to adopt microservices and serverless.


When you want to deploy a traditional web-application you have to:


  • Configure a virtual machine image by installing the correct libraries and applications

  • You need to set up a load balancer and auto-scaling groups

  • You need to set up a relational database and configure a secure connection

  • You need to configure your Cloud Networking such as Security groups

  • You’ll need to set up a deployment pipeline.


Elastic Beanstalk will set up all the above for you. All you need to do is choose what environment you want and upload your code.

Elastic Beanstalk将为您完成以上所有操作。 您需要做的就是选择所需的环境并上传代码。

Elastic Beanstalk manages the infrastructure but does not abstract it away, so you can explore all the services it setups for you. Eventually, when you get familiar with all underlying infrastructure, you can directly manage these resources.

Elastic Beanstalk管理基础结构,但不对其进行抽象处理,因此您可以浏览其为您设置的所有服务。 最终,当您熟悉所有底层基础结构时,就可以直接管理这些资源。

I like to think of Elastic Beanstalk as training wheels for deployment. It’s the best way to get started on AWS if you’re a developer, and we show you how to deploy a variety of different ways with EB.

我喜欢将Elastic Beanstalk视为部署的培训平台。 如果您是开发人员,这是开始使用AWS的最佳方法,并且我们向您展示了如何使用EB部署各种不同的方法。

3. AWS CLI和SDK,4. CloudFormation (3. AWS CLI and SDK, 4. CloudFormation)

Nearly all AWS Services can be accessed programmatically via the AWS API. This allows you to write code to automate the creation, deletion, and configuration of any AWS services and resources within your account.

几乎所有的AWS服务都可以通过AWS API进行编程访问。 这使您可以编写代码来自动创建,删除和配置您账户内的任何AWS服务和资源。

AWS CloudFormation (CFN) is also used to automate the creation and configuration of infrastructure. While it's important for developers to know CFN, the AWS CLI and SDK is more important for the Developer Associate as it allows greater fine-tune control over services programmatically. When you run into a situation where something cannot be done with CFN, you can be sure you can do that with the  CLI or SDK.

AWS CloudFormation(CFN)也用于自动化基础架构的创建和配置。 尽管对开发人员来说了解CFN很重要,但是AWS CLI和SDK对开发人员来说更重要,因为它允许以编程方式更好地控制服务。 当遇到CFN无法完成某些操作的情况时,可以确保可以使用CLI或SDK进行此操作。

To access the AWS API you either use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or the AWS Software Development Kit (SDK).

要访问AWS API,请使用AWS命令行界面(AWS CLI)或AWS软件开发工具包(SDK)。

The AWS CLI saves developers time from logging into the AWS console and navigating around the Graphical User Interface.

AWS CLI节省了开发人员从登录到AWS控制台以及在图形用户界面中浏览所需的时间。

The AWS SDK is the primary way you integrate AWS Services into your web-applications. The SDK is also available in most common programming languages.

AWS开发工具包是将AWS服务集成到Web应用程序中的主要方法。 该SDK还支持大多数常见的编程语言。

In this free AWS Developer Associate course, we take every opportunity to use the CLI and SDK, and added additional slides showing the CLI commands for various services. You'll need to know CLI commands for the exam, and they're all important to know as a Cloud Engineer.

在此免费的AWS开发人员助理课程中,我们将抓住一切机会使用CLI和SDK,并添加了其他幻灯片,其中显示了各种服务的CLI命令。 您需要了解考试的CLI命令,作为云工程师,了解它们非常重要。

5 /6。ECS和Fargate (5 / 6. ECS and Fargate)

Elastic Container Service (ECS) and ECS Fargate make it easy to run single or multi-container applications. Running your web-applications is becoming more popular because it allows you to package your server configuration with your code, giving you greater portability of applications.

弹性容器服务(ECS)和ECS Fargate使运行单个或多个容器应用程序变得容易。 运行Web应用程序正变得越来越流行,因为它允许您将服务器配置与代码打包在一起,从而使应用程序具有更大的可移植性。

7. X射线 (7. X-Ray)

With microservice architecture, you have many isolated services working together. It can be difficult to monitor the performance or pinpoint failure, so X-Ray is a service that allows you to trace the path of HTTPS requests through various services.

借助微服务架构,您可以将许多隔离的服务协同工作。 监视性能或查明故障可能很困难,因此X-Ray是一项服务,允许您通过各种服务跟踪HTTPS请求的路径。

8.步骤功能 (8. Step Functions)

Lambdas allow you to pay per 100ms for compute time – you just upload your code and AWS is responsible for the rest. The challenge is how to organize all these Lambda functions into actual serverless applications.  

Lambdas允许您为每100ms的计算时间付费–您只需上传代码,其余部分由AWS负责。 挑战在于如何将所有这些Lambda函数组织到实际的无服务器应用程序中。

Step Functions is a state machine that allows you to define something that looks like a flow chart so you can build serverless applications.

Step Functions是一种状态机,可让您定义类似于流程图的内容,从而可以构建无服务器应用程序。

9. CodeCommit 10. CodeBuild 11. CodeDeploy和12. CodePipeline (9. CodeCommit 10. CodeBuild 11. CodeDeploy and 12. CodePipeline)

Elastic Beanstalk (EB) comes with a simple deployment pipeline. When you graduate from EB you'll have to build your own deployment pipeline. So we need to know how to use all the CI/CD AWS services.

Elastic Beanstalk(EB)带有一个简单的部署管道。 从EB毕业后,您将必须建立自己的部署管道。 因此,我们需要知道如何使用所有CI / CD AWS服务。

解决方案架构师助理的重叠内容 (Overlapping Content From The Solutions Architect Associate)

When you are studying for more than one AWS Associate certification, you will notice overlapping content.

当您学习一项以上的AWS Associate认证时,您会发现内容重叠。

40% of the AWS Solutions Architect content is necessary to pass the Developer Associate. So what we have done is carried over that 40% into this free Developer Associate exam.

要通过开发人员助理,AWS Solutions Architect内容的40%是必需的。 因此,我们所做的工作已将这40%的费用带入了这项免费的开发人员助理考试。

So there are 6 hours of content from the free AWS Solutions Architect Associate with some minor corrections, and there are 10 hours of new content specific to the Developer Associate.


We have marked in the table of content with 🔁 to indicate this is repeated content. So if you’ve already watched our free AWS Solutions Architect Associate course you can skip these videos.

我们在内容表中用marked标记表示这是重复的内容。 因此,如果您已经看过我们的免费AWS Solutions Architect Associate课程,则可以跳过这些视频。

AWS认证挑战 (The AWSCertified Challenge)

To maximize your study experience, I recommend you so you don’t have to study alone.


Thanks to for moderating the #AWSCertifiedChallenge Discord and volunteering their time to support other people studying.

感谢主持了#AWSCertifiedChallenge Discord,并自愿提供时间来支持其他人的学习。

There are additional free learning resources I want to recommend to you because:


  • we didn’t have time to include them in this free course

  • they are core to being a Cloud Engineer but are not part of the exam right now

  • they explain certain difficult concepts in an alternative way.


什么是云? (What The Cloud?)

  • 🇲🇽🌻 — AWS Developer Advocate @ AWS

    AWS开发人员倡导者@ AWS

  • 🇨🇦🥞 — AWS Developer Advocate @ AWS

    Dion🇨🇦🥞— AWS开发人员倡导者@ AWS

What The Cloud? is the personal project of Ale and Jon to make cloud knowledge accessible to anyone. They achieve accessibility by multiple means such as:

什么是云? 是Ale和Jon的个人项目,目的是使任何人都可以访问云知识。 它们通过多种方式实现可访问性,例如:

  • Translating their videos into French and Spanish

  • All their videos have Closed Captioning

  • They take the time to thoroughly explain cloud concepts with illustrations


Their content is for everyone. For example, in my free AWS courses I cover AWS Global Infrastructure, but I never covered Points of Presence (PoPs) because I honestly didn’t know what they were. They're mentioned, but never explained in the AWS documentation. So when I watched What the Cloud? I was surprised to learn I missed such fundamental knowledge.

他们的内容适合所有人。 例如,在我的免费AWS课程中,我涵盖了AWS Global Infrastructure,但我从未涉及过Point of Presence(PoP),因为老实说我不知道​​它们是什么。 提到了它们,但从未在AWS文档中对其进行解释。 所以当我看什么云? 得知我错过了这样的基础知识,我感到很惊讶。

Ale and Jon leave no stone and unturned, and I recommend their videos to fill any gaps in knowledge you may have been too embarrassed to ask about.


AWS身份和访问管理 (AWS Identity & Access Management)

  • 🦖🦕— Cloud Technical Trainer @ CBT Nuggets

    🦖🦕— CBT掘金技术云技术培训师

AWS IAM is required knowledge for all AWS Certifications. What appears to be a simple service gets very complicated quickly. Everything that IAM does is not in the AWS console, and its important for you to understand the underlying functionality.

所有IWS认证都必须具备AWS IAM知识。 看起来很简单的服务很快就会变得非常复杂。 IAM所做的一切都不在AWS控制台中,这对于您了解基础功能很重要。

I strongly recommend watching Bart’s IAM playlist so you have alternative explanations to ensure thorough knowledge of this tricky AWS service.


AWS放大 (AWS Amplify)

🛠️🎣— Senior Developer Advocate @ AWS

Dabit 🛠️🎣— AWS的高级开发人员倡导者

I really wanted to include AWS Amplify in this free AWS Developer Certification course, but we ran out of time. AWS Amplify does not currently appear in the exam, but you will see it in future exams.

我真的很想将AWS Amplify包含在此免费的AWS开发人员认证课程中,但是我们用光了时间。 AWS Amplify当前没有出现在考试中,但是您将在以后的考试中看到它。

The reason I want to get you hands-on exposure to AWS Amplify is because its the most powerful service for Cloud Engineers to learn.

我之所以要亲自接触AWS Amplify是因为它是云工程师学习的最强大的服务。

AWS Amplify is a modern serverless framework for building web or mobile applications. It has plugins to various AWS services so you can quickly bolt on Analytics, Machine Learning, AR, VR, Decentralized Authentication, Notifications, Chatbots, and more!

AWS Amplify是用于构建Web或移动应用程序的现代无服务器框架。 它具有各种AWS服务的插件,因此您可以快速使用Google Analytics(分析),机器学习,AR,VR,分散式身份验证,通知,聊天机器人等功能!

By learning AWS Amplify you are gaining a competitive advantage because, if you master this framework, you can rapidly develop applications which will absolutely impress employers.

通过学习AWS Amplify,您将获得竞争优势,因为如果您掌握了此框架,便可以Swift开发出绝对会给雇主留下深刻印象的应用程序。

So I recommend you check out Nader’s Youtube channel which is packed with AWS Amplify tutorials.

因此,我建议您查看AWS Amplify教程随附的Nader的Youtube频道。

亚马逊EventBridge (Amazon EventBridge)

  • ☕🥪 — Senior Developer Advocate @ AWS

    Beswick☕🥪— AWS的高级开发人员代表

We only briefly cover EventBridge in the free AWS Developer Associate course because currently it does not appear much on the exam. EventBridge is a service I want you to know because it fundamentally changes the way to architect serverless applications.

我们仅在免费的AWS Developer Associate课程中简要介绍EventBridge,因为当前它在考试中并不多见。 我想让您知道EventBridge是一项服务,因为它从根本上改变了构建无服务器应用程序的方式。

EventBridge was previously called CloudWatch Events, but AWS added some additional functionality to create multiple event busses and the ability to connect third-party services and multi-account services.

EventBridge以前称为CloudWatch Events,但AWS添加了一些其他功能来创建多个事件总线,并能够连接第三方服务和多账户服务。

It’s hard to describe, so I generally say to people it’s like Zapier. But its really more like IFTTT.

很难描述,所以我通常对人们说,就像Zapier。 但它实际上更像是IFTTT。

To get a good handle on EventBridge and stay current with modern serverless architecture, I recommend looking at James Beswick’s content:

为了更好地使用EventBridge并保持最新的无服务器架构,我建议您查看James Beswick的内容:

  • 📹


  • 📹


  • 📹


  • 📹

一些分词 (Some Parting Words)

The world 🌎 needs Cloud Engineers (Web Developers + Cloud Skills) right now more than ever.


The pandemic of 2020 has forced everyone to be open to remote opportunities and created a demand for cloud talent. So this is your best opportunity to enter the cloud and web development industry.

2020年的大流行迫使每个人都开放远程机会,并产生了对云人才的需求。 因此,这是您进入云和Web开发行业的最佳机会。

I did my part by making this course free for you – it's up to you to complete the journey.


🎒您可以 。 (🎒 You can .)

Note that YouTube wouldn't let us upload all 16 hours as a single video, so the first video is 12 hours. The final 4 hours of the course are in a second video, linked from the video description.

请注意,YouTube不允许我们将全部16小时都作为一个视频上传,因此第一个视频是12小时。 课程的最后4个小时位于第二个视频中,该视频与视频说明链接。

Best of luck preparing for the exam.



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